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In the memorial program, friend and colleague Costello Brown noted, How do you measure or quantify the untold numbers of individual students lives that have been changed by this man? The Martin Stout scholarship has been established in his name and is awarded annually.The Emeritimes, Winter 1995, MORTON J. RENSHAW, ( Dean of Student Personnel, 1950-1964; Education, 1964-1973) died February 17, 1995 at age 85 at his home in South Pasadena. A graduate of the Bronx High School of Science, he received a B.A. In 1964, he also began the first of his remarkable 44 consecutive years of service in the Academic Senate, the last portion of which he served as representative of the emeriti. Herb also held membership in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, the American Family Therapy Academy, and the Family Therapy division (43) of the American Psychological Association, in which he was an elected fellow. In later years, he was severely hampered by the aftereffects of a 1974 automobile accident and by failing eyesight. He had lived in Lynwood, Washington for a number of years. After his discharge, he received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Miami in 1947 and a Master of Arts from Los Angeles State College in 1953. Apart from his work, Morris and Sandra enjoyed traveling around the world together. After graduation, he worked at Douglas Aircraft Company for a while before joining the U.S. Army National Guard in 1957. Joining the Pasadena City College biology faculty in 1988, she was an active faculty member until having to take a medical retirement in 2001. By the time he retired, Cal State L.A. had become California State University, Los Angeles, and both he and the department had found a new home in the School of Natural and Social Sciences. Beginning with his appointment as a member of the History Department in 1962, he devoted 55 of those years to service to Cal State LA as faculty member, academic senator, dean, and finally, emeritus professor. There he met graduate student Jean Chenoweth. One colleague felt that Paul was proud of his lack of the doctorate, a kind of private snobbery, but eventually concluded that he was more literate and a better thinker than many of his doctoral colleagues. and an elementary teaching credential in1938 at San Diego State College, and taught in elementary schools in San Diego and National City prior to World War II. in 1953, all from the University of Southern Californiawere in English and education, with a heavy concentration in accounting. She joined the Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences faculty in 1952 when the college was located on the campus of Los Angeles City College. Among her other accomplishments was her development of the first federally funded institute to prepare community college student personnel workers. A native of the Philippines, Dr. Pilapil earned a B.A. The Emeritimes recently learned that Milton W. Meyer, emeritus professor of Asian history, died in 2015. Bernie was active professionally, hold-ing offices and receiving awards of recognition from the American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Born in New York City on August 14, 1942, Marty grew up as an accomplished pianist and competitive bowler. degree from USC and began to practice law in Monterey Park. She is survived by her sister, brother, and his wife, plus 28 nieces, nephews, and grand- and great-grandnieces and nephews.The Emeritimes, Winter 2011, LEE JESSE WEXLER, Emeritus Professor of Art, 1959-1986, died at the age of 85 on June 6, 2010, a significant date, as he had served in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II, from 1943 to 1946. Upon moving back to California, Wayne became a founding member of the Desert Fishes Council, which advances research activities and public understanding of threatened and endangered fish species that live in isolated ponds and streams found in the Mojave Desert. During his long tenure at the University, Cox contributed to the School of Business and Economics and the University in a variety of ways. Taking advantage of the GI bill, he attended the University of Iowa, where he completed his Ph.D. in 1950. She was exceedingly generous and fiercely loyal to her family, but was most of all devoted to her mother, whom she adored. ), a postwar development also known as systems analysis, drew Don to his first professional job as a member of the research group in O.R. After several years on the faculty of the University of Maine, he was hired by Cal State L.A.'s Foreign Language Department in fall 1959 to establish programs in both German and Russian. He was applauded for his passion for teaching, and one colleague recalled that he was "amazed at the knowledge Chuck had about the backgrounds of our students, their strengths, their weaknesses, and their personal lives." My team, love them ALL! He retired from the San Bernardino Sheriff s Department in 1989, and began a teaching career at Cal State L.A. He earned his M.S. DeDeo is also doing data science with the Mayo Clinic. Chapters in books, articles, and class compendiums further documented her expertise and contributions to the field. in 1966 from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He also performed regularly with the symphony orchestra and musical theater groups. Among his many achievements was a Fulbright fellowship in Argentina from 1972-73, which gave him a chance to meet some of the writers he studiedand visit their favorite haunts. With the Masters of Harmony, he toured the British Isles and parts of Canada, as well as many states. He continued his scholarly work on Shaw throughout his retirement, publishing books and scholarly articles, and delivering presentations into his late 90s. His book, through four editions, was used at about 400 universities around the country and has been seen by hundreds of thousands of students. After receiving his B.A. During his tenure the department grew into one of the largest of its type in California. Roger retired from Cal State L.A. in 1986, but did not seek emeritus status. He was a member of the Huntington Westerners Corral of Westerners International. She was a long time speech pathologist for the Danbury School in Claremont. Prior to returning to her alma mater to teach in 1970, Sumi taught at Santa Ana High School and Compton Junior College. He was much decorated for his valor in World War II, particularly in the Battle of the Bulge, having earned the Purple Heart with bronze stars. His father managed a family business, New York Hardware Trading Company, which specialized in sporting goods as well as hardware. While at Berkeley, he worked with two Nobel Laureates: Melvin Calvin and Glenn T. Seaborg. The only one chosen from the Manila Section, Bill was assigned to the 11th Airborne Di-vision, even though his status was that of a civilian with a diplomatic passport. Jean soon developed the graduate program for training teachers of the deaf into a strong and recognized professional training program. His journey took him south through Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, and southern Colorado to make cauliflower crates with boyhood best friend Stuart Coffman. He was technical director and department chair at Cal State L.A., but is most lovingly remembered as director of highly professional musicals and operas. Bill following U.S. Army service in Germany. They spent many years traveling together on assignments, with Frank doing the photography. SEVERANCE, Emeritus Professor of Business Law, 1956-1980, died on July 18, 2013 in Houston, at the age of 92. He was always very courteous both to students and faculty, and will be long remembered by his colleagues as a fine human being. from the George Peabody College for Teachers. He was fortunate to have enjoyed very good health until July 2015. Don attended the University of Wisconsin for two years before heading west in the summer of 1948, hoping for a job in the lumber industry but finding work as an itinerant farm laborer. In 2004, Judy retired from Cal State LA and immediately went to CSU San Marcos to open its nursing school and simulation lab, becoming the inaugural director. Together with her husband, Alfredo Morales, Cal State L.A. emeritus professor of Spanish, she was the co-founder, director, and adviser of Teatro Universitario en Espaol (TUE). and M.S. After graduation, Jane moved to Chicago and married Warren Burton Lewis, whom she had met at Pomona College. While in Cambridge, she gave birth to their first daughter, Catherine. The Los Angeles Gregorian Schola continues to present concerts under the direction of a mentee. Student comments supporting his award reflect Terry's dedication to teaching. Bud Fisher, who worked at McKesson in the sales department. Jan retired from Cal State L.A. in 1986 but continued to teach one quarter per year until 1995. While his primary residence since 1970 was in California, he returned almost every summer later in life for extended stays at the family summer home on the upper peninsula of Michigan, which he owned jointly with his brother. He always said that he loved Los Angeles right from the beginning; he appreciated the diversity of the population, the freedom from the tradition-bound east coast, and the liberal politics. The upwardly mobile and charismatic Paul next assumed the position of vice president and members of the Board of Directors at Information Technology Systems, Inc. Lydia, in one of the buildings at a safe distance from the oversight of the department and division chairs in the other, taught Art for the Elementary School and, surprisingly to colleagues, had nude models for students to draw, a first for most. The following year she was able to resume her academic career, working as an instructor in the Math Department (1955-56) and continuing her doctoral studies in the Economics Department. She moved through the ranks quickly and became a full professor in 1982. He attended Samuel Staples Elementary School and Fairfield Preparatory School. Even at 91 years old, Pat could tell you, without hesitation, the names, birthdays, and lots of information about every member of her clan.The Emeritimes, Spring 2019, JACK G. LEVINE, Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1960-2001, died on October 27, 2018 at the age of 88. 53. He kept an accurate record of the responses that he received. She taught hundreds of children how to swim and continued swimming as her favorite form of exercise throughout her life. He wrote for several arts magazines and wrote essays for exhibition catalogs of other artists. at the University of Redlands in 1931, an M.A. In the early 1960s, when UCLA's English Department was divesting itself of areas such as speech communication, speech pathology, journalism, and linguistics, Elise worked with an interdisciplinary team that included faculty from psychology, linguistics, and the medical school to establish a program in communicative disorders. Joe came to Los Angeles State College in 1959 specifically to establish a rehabilitation counseling program in what then was the Division of Education. He created and led the Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB) to promote technological innovation, a precedent soon replicated in other counties of Hawaii. An anthropologist with broad interests, she conducted research, largely archaeological, in the Great Basin, California, the Southwest, Oceania (particularly Vanuatu), and Israel. Ed was brought up in Brooklyn, New York, and received his B.A. Ellie believed that supporting student activities contributed to her effectiveness in student-teacher relationships, thus she attended student functions with regularity. Herb was an expert witness in court cases regarding the effects of marijuana, cocaine, antihistamines, and antidepressants, as well as alcohol, on driving. Argentina played an even bigger role than being just a place in which Alan could consult, for it was there that he married Lia Kamhi-Stein. In addition, Ellie served as president of the campus chapter of the Association of California State College Professors (ACSCP), secretary for the statewide ACSCP Executive Committee, and member of the statewide ACSCP Legislative Committee. In addition to Intercultural Communication, Hap taught the entire range of courses in rhetoric, public address, and argumentation. Gerry's first wife, Margaret, who preceded him in death, was very active in the University's Faculty Wives Club, serving as one of its early presidents.The Emeritimes, Spring 1987, MARCELLA OBERLE, Professor of Speech Communication who had been a leader over the years in academic affairs at the University, died April 2, 1987 following heart surgery. Concurrently with his teaching career, he served as a contributing editor for Skin Diving Magazine . During that time, five graduate students, 18 undergraduate students, six community college students, and one high school student conducted research in her laboratory. Myers is survived by his wife, Ruth; son, John, of Simi Valley; daughter, Linda Jones, of Occidental; sister, Nell Wellbourne, of San Clemente; grandson, Jeff; and several nieces and nephews.The Emeritimes, Fall 1994, GENEVIEVE ALLISON, wife of Laird Allison, Emeriti Association Treasurer, died suddenly this summer. Ray came to Los Angeles State College in 1957, one of the early members of the Accounting Department, and from 1970 served as associate chair until his retirement. At that time he received a full-time appointment (instructor in physical education). His jest that as an aging World War II vet, I have literally become a museum piece is justified because of his Air Force record and honors from 1942 to 1945. Central to Ed's scholarship was his abiding interest in the insights into literature offered by Jungian analysis. Her husband's death preceded hers by nine years. She was assistant field supervisor for Hebrew Union College excavations at Tel Gezer, Israel (1973 and 1974) and associate director for environmental studies and object registrar for the Lahav Research Project excavations at Tel Halif, Israel for more than a decade. There he met his wife Margarete, to whom he was married for 61 years. He prided himself as the product of four of the five best universities in the West, having attended graduate courses at Stanford University, where he had an honors scholarship, and at the University of Washington, as well as the two from which he received degrees. He was a lifelong member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and was honored as a member of the American Psychological Association for more than 60 years. One of the first African-American women to lead a major university west of the Mississippi, she was known nationwide for her research accomplishments and her advocacy for equal access to education and professional opportunities for women and minorities. His early childhood was spent in a rural community, on a homestead-sized farm. In addition, Vilma helped pave the way for the 1989 campus visit of poet Gwendolyn Brooks, who was not only internationally recognized as the first African-American to win a Pulitzer Prize (1950), but also as a champion of Cal State L.A. alumnus Michael S. Harpers first book of poems. He was a widely recognized scholar who read five languages with facility. Theirs was a great partnership. His dissertation was entitled The Washington Plural Executive: An Experiment in Interaction Analysis . She was a consultant to the Cuban Film School and brought films back with her to screen during the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles. She was 74. During that year, he also married the former Sally Ann Sharp in St. Louis, Missouri and received his commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. For three years prior to retirement she was a partner in NuMasters Art Gallery in Alhambra, which focused on prints and folk art. Miller was hired at Langston by Cal State LA Executive Director of Athletics Mike Garrett, who previously directed athletics at the historically Black college. She later taught medical-surgical nursing at the University of Iowa and then traveled west to obtain her M.S. They had resided in Santa Barbara since their retirement in 1979.The Emeritimes, August 1983, BERNARD EPSTEIN, recently retired Emeritus Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, died on December 25, 1982. His work is included in Europe as well as the United States. Faculty who worked with him in the 1950s and '60s recall the congenial atmosphere that prevailed as a result of the many social events that were fostered by Johnston and his first wife Millie who was an accompanist for Cal State L.A.' s early dance classes and often entertained at parties hosted by the Johnstons at their home. Main Telephone Numbers: 323-343-3901. He received his Ed.D. She won two in Los Angeles, one at the Olympic Games. . He was 73 years of age. This was his introduction to a field he would later pursue. Miller also spent four seasons as coach of the WNBAs Phoenix Mercury. In February 1950, he accepted a faculty position in the Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Department at what was then Los Angeles State College. Howard Stevenson McDonald died on October 25, 1986. A Cal State L.A. scholarship has been established in George's name. He received a B.S. He was a consummate clinical and family therapist who maintained a clinical practice throughout his career. After the war, he returned to Los Angeles and attended the Art Center School of Design and Otis Art Institute. Always ready and willing to step up and do whatever needed to done, she worked tirelessly to contribute to a number of program and grant proposals, including one to the U.S. Department of Education, Title III, funded for $1.75 million. In 1989, he published (anonymously) "People of the Gay Grape" and, in 1991, under the pseudonym Rick Elston, "Ramon's Story," the biography of a gay Mexican alcoholic. from the University of Southern California in1951, and Master of Music in 1956, also from USC. He wrote much of the early curriculum, and in1965, the engineering programs were awarded their first accreditation by the Engineers Council for Professional Development, now the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). (1943), and Ph.D. in economics (1946). At the onset of World War II, he enrolled at the Curtis Wright Technical Institute and graduated as a master aviation mechanic in 1942. Significantly, the denial was based on information that the FBI refused to reveal. One of CSLA's earliest employees, he came to campus as Registrar and Associate Professor of Education in 1949 after completing his doctorate. Her wit and charm were her trademarks for faculty and students alike. Upon release from the Navy, Warren attended the University of Southern California, where he received an M.S. So successful were his endeavors at publishing (at least 68 journal articles, books, and book chapters at Cal State L.A. alone), that he founded Pyrczak Publishing before retiring, where he continued to author, publish, and distribute numerous related academic books. A memorial was held in Culver City on December 17. A noted authority on Civil War history, Professor Lindsey was the author of a number of books in his field of study. One of his most significant projects was a series of measurements relating to the energy conversion processes in the interior of stars, including the sun, specifically the one in which three helium nuclei fuse into a carbon nucleus. In May 1943, while studying at Pomona College, he and more than 40 other students enlisted together in the U.S. Army to join the fight in World War II. When she returned to her native Argentina, Alan began logging many airline miles and phone calls. In the mid-'90s, when the 25-year-old Van de Graaff needed a complete overhaul, Hubert made the trip from Bonn to direct the diagnostic as well as the remedial work that it needed. His significant publications include The Psychology of Abnormal Behavior , co-authored with Louis Thorpe and Barney Katz; Human Behavior: an Introduction to Psychology , co-authored with Hugh M. Petersen; Money Madness , co-authored with his Cal State L.A. emeritus colleague Herb Goldberg; and Taking Chances: The Psychology of Losing and How to Profit from It . She had been in failing health for several years. During the early years of its growth, they hosted musicales in their home to advance the program's progress. in Social Science and Philosophy from Harvard University in 1943, and his M.A. Her doubles partner, later life partner, was Geralyn Shepard, whom she met in 1959. Photo Source: Oklahoman. An expert in many aspects of music education, Millie first taught children in grades K-6 and later joined the Cal State L.A. faculty, where she concentrated on preparing prospective elementary school teachers. From 1956 to 1961, he was a consultant at UCLA for National Institute of Mental Health research on the impact of LSD. Ruth's achievements both in the Department of Nursing and the School of Health and Human Services were significant and numerous. Several of his books were translated into German. He was a past president of the National Watercolor Society, as well as a life member. Kloepper enjoyed carving oak birds and statues and wrote a great deal of poetry. A memorial scholarship fund has been established in his name at Cal State L.A. He had been in very good health until a bout with the flu weakened him, although he had gotten his annual flu shot. He was also a composer/arranger of works for band, brass band, orchestra, and small ensembles. On the faculty, he was widely known as a member of the founding cohort of the Faculty Club, before its modification as the University Club. He relocated to California in 1961. that year at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was the recipient of the Outstanding Professor Award at the University in 1970. He was preceded in death by his son, Captain Peter Sinclair, who was injured in Iraq. Dr. Graves came to Cal State L.A. in 1951, arriving at the time of great growth in the college, to serve first as Dean of Instruction and then as Dean of the College. A public memorial service took place on May 30 at Farnsworth Park in Altadena.The Emeritimes, Fall 2013, LOUIS WILLIAM EGGERS, JR., Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1962-1991, the one engineering professor who was elected chair in the half-century of the Cal State L.A. From 1934 to 1940, he taught at Big Creek High School in War, West Virginia. The Emeriti Association has received word of the death early in March 2007 of Kathleen Moore, long-retired administrative assistant in the Department of English, and widow of the late Donald Moore, emeritus professor of economics and statistics. His committee was unable to be constituted until the end of the summer break, but his chair advised him that, because openings as a professor were hard to come by, he should take the job in California and fly back in the fall to defend his dissertation. He read widely and in high school excelled on the football field as well as in the classrooms. She went to USC for graduate study, and received an MBA in 1953 and a Ph. On April 10, 1949, Harry married Margaret Robinson Romero, who encouraged him to continue his college education. His leadership was crucial in the recruitment of new faculty from institutions across the nation. No specific information regarding his age or date of death is available. To George, traveling meant sightseeing, concerts, theater, and gastronomic delights. He relished the nickname Wombat given him by Australian students, perhaps never looking at the picture of his namesake in the dictionary. Retiring in 1983, Dick continued to teach part-time for the following 10 years. His was one of only four Outstanding Professor awards received by the more than 30 faculty who served in the Department of Political Science since the 1960s. Ray was born on January 1, 1940 in Jacksonville, Florida, where he attended local schools through high school.

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