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Best of luck to Chuck, wherever he goes. Rick understands it and his lifters succeed in proportion to the trust they place in him and subsequently in each other and ultimatley in themselves. Gregg was called up by Louie for all attempts and missed the first to for being high. Jim says: Chuck was serial killer intense and he had a reverence for that place (Westside Barbell).. i would gladly jump at the opportunity to train at BIG even for a wk let alone a day. According to a couple reports the judge hit him more than once and Louie kept calling him down until Chuck got hurt. big iron is not an invite only gym. I now present to you The Iron Man; Chuck Vogelpohl. Chuck decided to give it another shot. A coach can find weaknesses and strengthen them, a coach can tell you to hang it up for the day if you are weak that day. Actually I believe chuck is over at lexen extreme, with danny and the boys. Im sure everyone wants to know how you stay so lean. I know you won some cash, but when everyone showed up at 5 am, no one showed up to pay. From my experience in life and in the gym none are truly possible without submitting the wisdom and authority of a master. In all the meets that I helped him at man, I was exhausted. Reports are that Vogelphol will continue to train and compete. If a lifter cant do a weight he is told to back off. For me the enjoyment is planning and organizing the training for myself. so rather than fall victim to the stricter judging he put his trust in his coach. Our style can help anyone. You wanted me to gain weight into the 308 and break Paul Childress 1168-pound world record, but it was hard on my health. Count me in! HAHA I figured Putt would have said that-lol You beat him to it Jason! and alot of our top guys started on what rick calls the turd team. Even so, I have reached a level of competiveness that would be inconceivable else where. So I plug away and hit 610 at my next meet and I'm happy. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Only one week to go. We then went onto our training for the day. I provided lots of education so younger lifters wont make the mistakes we did. This was 1986. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Reps and sets ranged from 510 to 10-15 sets of lower reps, to the aforementioned 50-rep sets on some exercises,. You wanted me to gain weight into the 308 and break Paul Childress' 1168-pound world record, but it was hard on my health. Are you on a diet? Youve got to be dead on; especially with heavy weights. However, while this kind of intensity can drive a powerlifters competitive performance, at times it can also be, as Tate puts it, a curse. Chuck V: When you and Dave told me that beginners were using bands; high school kids and below I couldnt believe it. WHY was the judge even letting Lou know when the lifter was achieving depth? I dont know who is coaching these days. Oh, yes, I remember you told me not to mess with him; that he was too big and too fast. I would gladly go to BIG and train and I would learn as much as I could. Hes known as one of the most intense lifters to ever step on the platform, and while he may not be loud, his intensity is contagious. Follow these steps to try the Chuck Vogelpohl x Dave Tate squat challenge. This post is not to brag about my bench but a testimonial to BIG and their methods. Er hilft jedem im Gym. out my PRODUCTS!!! Chuck V: Whats the deal with your tattoos? Chuck came up through Westside. Dave Tate thought I was crazy, but that would soon change everything at Westside. We have bodybuilders, fitness girls, fat people, skinny people, every type, most of these people have never competed in a meet big iron is a business and there is a membership fee. As a coach and educator I believe the greatest thing you can show someone is how to teach themselves. Simple. EFS: What do you think of static iso-holds? Chuck V: When I started training at Westside, I think in 1986, I was just another lifter, another member of the team. Chuck V: A lot of lat work, low back work on the 45 degree back raise, Reverse Hyperextensions, Back Attack, glute ham raises. Furthermore, Tate notes that although the intensity that Chuck displayed at meets may have seemed extreme to most, that was nothing compared to what was going on inside his head. It would be hilarious if he trained at a commercial gym! Lessons From Golden Era Bodyweight Bodybuilding, Can You Build Muscle In Your 40s (And Older)? I eat two or three protein drinks a day; Ultra Size and some whey protein. It was the top coefficient . He should have a good day tomorrow. Instruction; You lifted in the 220-pound class coming down from the 255-pound class, but still won the division belt. Tate encourages coaches to lean on one another. My back was starting to hurt all the time to the point I could hardly bend over. He likes to talk shit about a lifter to other members of the gym so that it gets back to that lifter. He rolled the rental car three days ago, he told me with this I cant believe this happened look on his face. Me and Louie, weve been lifting for so long and were still working on mastering technique. This of course never dawned on him. [quote=Rob Kolberer]Paul dont you think having the expertise would speed up your own learning curve. In this 135th episode of Dave Tate's Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate sits down with several of his old training partners from Westside, known as the OG AM crew from Demorest Road. I'm a school teacher and a high school coach. EFS: What kind of percentages do you use? Did you not read what he did to Chuck? Minutes later Chuck walked in carrying his gym bag and began getting ready to embark on his last bench press session before the meet. You take a man fishing and they eat for a day, you TEACH a man to fish and they eat for the rest of their life. Expereince? There is NO WAY I would of could of done that without his help. Go to The gym had just a power rack, a lat pulldown, a calf-ham glute bench, a back-raise bench, and lots of weights, but most of all, lots of attitude. gets the gains they do is because they NEVER miss a weight in training. Nothing against Rick or BIG, but I think Lou's objective is to provide the lifters with information and then have them think for themselves. Simply return it within 30 days for an exchange. I had no grip at all, so I started BJJ to stay busy. Dave also hails from Westside gym, he's a specimen that has been heavily involved in the powerlifting community for decades. That works real well. Seite in 0.02988 Sekunden aufgebaut. Lexen has the two Chucks going head to head every workout.Vogelpohl and Fouhgt. Everyone got along well while training and partying. Instagram | |[Follow JOEY here!] Let us know if you give the Chuck Vogelpohl squat challenge try! Blut & Kreide Vol. Szatmary has amassed a large following on his Youtube where he shares fitness tips, speaks with some expert lifters and does some intense workouts. Are you still doing this? I was using a ton of tension. So there were a lot of factors that went into it. He has not missed a day of training. We are not Chuck was there for all of the Westside gyms, from Louie's Garage to the location the gym is in . I'm sure if I went to BIG and Rick trained me that 610 would be 650, but personally the 610 would be more rewarding. The bands wont make you squat big; check between your legs before you change anything. ), some of the answers were hard to understand upon listening to it. All levels of lifters are welcome and we would love to have people move here to train. Its packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, whole-food sourced ingredients and combines the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption and taste to jumpstart your daily routine. WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Coach the Squat. I would do 1,000 sit-ups and lat pulldowns. Of course I would. Some lifters are too stupid to know when they cant lift a weight. Chuck:The wave system was already in placeusing 75 percent to 85 percent for 25 lifts, plus 25 pulls. GoNewsIndia . is it, nothing else to say but the truth and it is nice that Rick Hussey is finally getting the recognition he deserves. A Tribute to: Chuck Mosley (1959 - 2017) (November 2017) (HQ) MrSheltonTV Productions. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. 3. They follow a philosophy and they help each other, but in the end the experienced lifters design their own training. [/quote] When you miss an attempt it sets you back 2-3 weeks. The following interview was done on a Friday after squatting and deadlifting. Anyway, Lou was supposed to call Chucks depth at the ProAm with the help of the side judge. You came back and told me they had started the meet with the 242s. Given the amount of respect that people have for him as a lifter, many would be surprised to learn that Chuck has that much more respect for the sport itself. For a while, I did some tough man fights and won a couple of tournaments, but got the power bug. All right reserved. A week later, Dick Hartzell came to town with the bands at a basketball clinic. The article was titled Back to the Future and was on his site two weeks ago. he tells me that the only reason i have any records is because only women and infants weigh 181. I could not believe this garage housed a national team. Price is $400 plus shipping. Vogelpohl was a force to be reckoned with and well respected by the elites of the powerlifting world. I did, however, get to judge all other lifters. Becca Swanson He has not officially commented on the reason for his move. Okay, here goes (regarding the, 'story' about Lou making Chuck get hurt): I'm too inflexible to squat an empty bar, but it seems to me that Chuck wouldn't have to listen to Louie regarding depth. I remember that on the day before, you had found out you had a broken vertebrate in your thoracic spine. If you miss one, you can keep the weight the same or go up. Chuck fully takes this teaching to heart, and in doing so has one of the best eyes for dissecting and improving another lifters technique. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. At SFS we strive to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for your fitness journey. He has not officially commented on the reason for his move. At this point, Chuck finished with a couple of sets of elevated glute-ham raises and went home. Rick also listens to input from his lifters I saw that first hand this weekend. It was just my opinion, and with my LIMITED knoweldge, and VERY limited meet/training experience I believe that the BIG IRON way of training is the way to go. Chuck:Yes. Simply put, he is a force of nature. Can you let us in on what the new fashion trend is going to be? Chuck: [At this point, Chuck breaks out some kind of Harley Davidson do-rag and starts laughing]. I asked him how the weigh in had went, and he told me that he had made weight and was ready to go. He passed on his third attempt saving himself for the other two lifts, but his focus was so intense it could light up a city. The epitome of Vogelpohl's will to win was demonstrated in a head to head 40+ set squat workout with fellow Westside Barbell lifter, Dave Tate that you'll learn about below. 10:16. EFS: Whats the deal with you and rap music? In one month, I would do 1,025 pounds to push my 220-pound world record up. One last thing: How do you like raw compared to gear lifting? Chuck:Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. As they hit the mid 30 set range, Dave was trying to gauge how much further Chuck was willing to go. Oh well, I think we hijacked the heck out of this thread. Celebs on Social Media Pay Tribute to Singer Chuck Berry. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Anyone is welcome to come to big iron to train and learn what we do. Now you have one lifter pulling others away from the main focus and as a coach you can't have that. Are you going to tell me this is the action of a good coach? So, its okay to have somebody else help. 0:46. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Ed Coan and Dave Tate sit down at Omaha Barbell to share insights from their respective powerlifting journeys with a group of athletes and lifters. Some of these stories have led people to believe that he is some kind of crazed lunatic. [/quote] Similarly, he was always the last person to leave the gym, meticulously ensuring that weights were put away and everything was in its proper place ready for the next group of athletes. Everything You Need to Know, New Year's Fitness Resolution? I do not train at BIG but I have been there to receive help Rick does not hide anything from his lifters nor anyone else. 1:33. Note: You can read the full interview here on Westside Barbells website. Log in. AG1 is available in the US, Canada, UK and Europe.[Follow ELITEFTS here!] I felt bad for him. These things will kill your bar path when you get to heavier weights; this will screw your lift. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. That team is hot right now, and Hussey has his boys ready to go for each meet they appear in. That ought to be required reading for all athletes. Confused, I flagged down Louie Simmons to ask him what the hell Chuck was doing. team[/quote] Tate would challenge these imitators, saying that if they really wanted to be like Chuck, then they should be the first person in the gym and the last one out at the end of the day. The best coaches explain to their players WHY a play is being run, what they hope to get out of it. 2) Hit the Heavy S**T First - don't be afraid to sneak in some pull ups and ring push ups or abs between sets. EFS: In the video you touch on a beginner not using bands. Please contact Lexen Iron Workz on Facebook or Instagram. The only difference is, he really prefers and enjoys to be completely involved in everyone's training. However, in all reality, the past in nothing more than a bunch of presents that have already happened, and the future are the presents yet to happen. I told Louie that I wasnt able to go tell Chuck because I had to stay and judge. Next, Dominic Ritolo came into the gym and started to train with you. I sit down and evaluate my weaknesses and design a plan of attack to achieve a pr. Regardless of what I would have said, it wouldnt have mattered. But Ive been adding a lot more chain work to help with my building my stability. We thought it was fun to see fitness . Chuck Vogelpohl with The PowerPohl at Lexen Xtreme, working lower back with plates and heavy dragging chains About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy . Well post a longer profile on Jujimufu at a later date because theres plenty to cover. Why is this? What separates the two? interested in SQUATS?! With one slight hip adjustment, he pulled his head up and began to sit back. Browse more videos. This would make him the lightest man ever to do it. Even so, I have reached a level of competiveness that would be inconceivable else where. While he was there, he told me he would pay me if I would show him how to use jump stretch, rubber bands. This is a sad day. My squat would jump from 859-pounds to a 1,000-pound world record, but I did get a better suit, too. Laughing, Coan and Tate reflect back 20 years ago when everyone was trying to emulate Chuck with their beanie hats, popped collars, and cocky attitudes. Louie:I had made a training tape that showed two young menone was to build benchthat was KP (Kenny Patterson). They are So, what started your run of world records? EFS: You talk about technique in the video. Chuck got there before Kenny (it may be as far back as '85). 1-2 inches above parallel. But raw should be just a beltno three-meter knee wraps. ", Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more, 2023 SET FOR SET. like i said- any level of lifters are welcome. Maybe this is what he needs. WATCH:Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat. [quote=Anonymous]Great point about Big Iron. CHUCK VOGELPOHL TRIBUTE. 172 views, 5 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lexen Iron Workz: @chuckvogelpohl using the powerpohl with deadlifts. All he knew was that he had to do what he had to do. The judge agreed to tap Louie when Chuck hit depth. Good luck Chuck. We were lifting in Canton, Ohio. That's really surprising, but I guess stuff happens. While in high school, Chuck crossed paths with the Louie Simmons of world-famous Westside Barbell based in Colombus, Ohio. Rick took me from a raw bench of 375 to a first meet 520, then to a 633 at carps meet in Dubuque. This is what I feel is the number one weakness that everyone has. 5. Chuck V: Just watch my fat. I let my lifting do the talking. None the less, Chuck overcame these potentially debilitating injuries to win the WPO by being incredible at each of the three powerlifts. Lou also has a side of him that is a true asshole. Powered by Shopify, 5 Best Lower Lat Exercises To Build A Wider Back, What is Collagen? Louie:We needed a boost to our training, but how? for a FREE 8-flavor sample pack with any purchase! I personally wouldn't enjoy training if I had someone telling me what to do every step of the way. Surrender; Chuck V was about as Westside as the pitbull logo! This could get my lifts only so high, but as usual, you came into our training and added putting chains onto the bar for Accommodating Resistance. Louie:I recall you pressed a 155-pound dumbbell for five or six reps one-armed. NOV 2002 Did he do it? People get wrapped up about how we train, as far as numbers and exercises, but they dont know, and will never know HOW we train. I should probably stay a bit more controlled. He said he showed Halbert how to bench and then George took the info and expanded and experimented and now he teaches Lou how to bench. Oktober 2017 um 11:07 Uhr bearbeitet . Feb 18, 2012. EFS: Im sure all the diet experts will want to know. Dave asks, how many more are you going to do?, this is when Chuck says, one more than you. They ended up finishing the workout at 40 sets!!! Chuck Vogelpohl's 50th birthday. I told Louie that he had to tell him. chuckvogelpohl Follow Lexen Xtreme 2,920 likes chuckvogelpohl Powerpohl hip thrusters, the gym was pretty loud when I recorded but this exercise is meant to be done at the end of your workout to get blood into your glutes, hips and lower back. In referencing Louie Simmons, Tate says that he engrained in them that its their responsibility to make everyone else better. OK, give a football team some drills to run and let them go out and make their own calls. I need to put that weight in my hands. These are not easy workouts though. Just trying to keep him down, because hed get so hyped up that hed [mess] his squat up, hed fall over in the bottom, and its just like dude, settle down. Show more. And you would do Reverse Hypers or pull a weight sled for your warm-up. Chuck V: Yes. Kinda like stoking a fire. You were right; the 220-pound class was no more. Comments will be approved before showing up.

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