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Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. (v) Air counterbalance cylinders shall incorporate means to prevent failure of capability (sudden loss of pressure) in event of air supply failure. (pounds per square inch) or greater. Inspection shall be made of belts, lacings, and fasteners and such equipment kept in good repair. (A) Where presses that have slide counterbalance systems are used in the PSDI mode, the counterbalance system shall also meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(9) of this section. Belt shifter and clutch handles shall be rounded and be located as far as possible from danger of accidental contact, but within easy reach of the operator. While the employer is responsible for assuring that the certification/validation requirements in 1910.217(h)(11) are fulfilled, the design certification of PSDI safety systems may be initiated by manufacturers, employers, and/or their representatives. All guards shall be rigidly braced every three (3) feet or fractional part of their height to some fixed part of machinery or building structure. (i) Spring counterbalance systems when used shall incorporate means to retain system parts in event of breakage. Without hearing. (ii) The vertical clearance in passageways between the floor and power transmission beams, ceiling, or any other objects, is not less than five feet six inches (5 ft. 6 in.). A PSDI safety system which has received installation certification/validation shall undergo recertification/revalidation the earlier of: a. When a press is equipped for PSDI operation, it is recommended that the presence sensing device be active as a guarding device in other production modes. b. (30) Foot control means the foot operated control mechanism designed to be used with a clutch or clutch/brake control system. 1. The identified parts, components and subsystems shall be certified by the manufacturer to be able to withstand the functional and operational environments of the PSDI safety system. (2) Calender means a machine equipped with two or more metal rolls revolving in opposite directions and used for continuously sheeting or plying up rubber and plastics compounds and for frictioning or coating materials with rubber and plastics compounds. 653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor's Order No. OSHA 1926 and 1910 Standards Books | OSHA - OSHA Education Center When frequent oiling must be done, openings with hinged or sliding self-closing covers shall be provided. 1910.181 Derricks. Side grinding wheel having a wall flared or tapered outward from the back. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. After installation of point of operation guards and before a job is released for operation a check should be made to verify that the guard will prevent the operator's hands from reaching the point of operation. (f) Certain Type 1 and Type 27A cutting-off wheels. 1910.305 Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. Appendix A to Subpart L of Part 1910Fire Protection 1910.17 Effective dates. (4) Any automatic cutoff saw that strokes continuously without the operator being able to control each stroke shall not be used. (v) Cause of the accident (repeat of press, safeguard failure, removing stuck part or scrap, no safeguard provided, no safeguard in use, or other). Such stopping distances shall be subject to engineering determination. (iv) Prevents the initiation of a stroke, or stops of stroke in progress, when there is an intrusion through the sensing field by any part of the operator's body or by any other object. (ix) Barriers shall be fixed to the press frame or bolster to prevent personnel from passing completely through the sensing field, where safety distance or press configuration is such that personnel could pass through the PSDI presence sensing field and assume a position where the point of operation could be accessed without detection by the PSDI presence sensing device. 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens. The direction of the saw rotation shall be conspicuously marked on the hood. (26) Feeding means the process of placing or removing material within or from the point of operation. There shall be no rough surfaces or sharp edges. Where any portion of the train of gears guarded by a band guard is less than six (6) feet from the floor a disk guard or a complete enclosure to the height of six (6) feet shall be required. 1910.98 Effective dates. Paragraph (f)(1) of this section does not apply to hand-operated gears used only to adjust machine parts and which do not continue to move after hand power is removed. (1) Each circular crosscut table saw shall be guarded by a hood which shall meet all the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section for hoods for circular ripsaws. (4) Guards for horizontal overhead rope and chain drives. PART 1910OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS. (iii) The ram shall be blocked with a material the strength of which shall meet or exceed the specifications or dimensions shown in Table O-11. All revolving collars, including split collars, shall be cylindrical, and screws or bolts used in collars shall not project beyond the largest periphery of the collar. 1910.126 Additional requirements for special dipping and coating operations. All auxiliary equipment such as mill divider, support bars, spray pipes, feed conveyors, strip knives, etc., shall be located in such a manner as to avoid interference with access to and operation of safety devices. A sound and undamaged wheel will give a clear metallic tone. 1910.132 General requirements. (iii) Paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to presses that comply with paragraphs (b)(13) and (14) of this section. (ii) Be installed on a press such that it indicates when the performance of the braking system has deteriorated to the extent described in paragraph (b)(14)(i) of this section; and. The safety guard shall be mounted so as to maintain proper alignment with the wheel, and the strength of the fastenings shall exceed the strength of the guard, except: (i) Safety guards on all operations where the work provides a suitable measure of protection to the operator, may be so constructed that the spindle end, nut, and outer flange are exposed; and where the nature of the work is such as to entirely cover the side of the wheel, the side covers of the guard may be omitted; and. These bars shall operate readily by pressure of the mill operator's body. (2) Each swing cutoff saw shall be provided with an effective device to return the saw automatically to the back of the table when released at any point of its travel. Final decision by Assistant Secretary - a. Subpart PHand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment. It should be noted that the sensing device would be by-passed in the inch mode. 10. 2. 1910.109 Explosives and blasting agents. Control components shall be selected, constructed, and connected together in such a way as to withstand expected operational and environmental stresses, at least including those outlined in appendix A. (ii) Horizontal overhead belts more than seven (7) feet above floor or platform shall be guarded for their entire length under the following conditions: (a) If located over passageways or work places and traveling 1,800 feet or more per minute. (ii) Shafting under bench machines shall be enclosed by a stationary casing, or by a trough at sides and top or sides and bottom, as location requires. Tp = Longest presence sensing device response time, in seconds. The recognition of each validation organization will be valid for five years, unless terminated before or renewed after the expiration of the period. a. (xi) Where there is more than one operator of a press used for PSDI, each operator shall be protected by a separate, independently functioning, presence sensing device. (4) Where an exhaust system is used, the guard shall form part or all of the exhaust hood and shall be constructed of metal of a thickness not less than that specified in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph. (i) The requirements of paragraph (h) shall apply to all part revolution mechanical power presses used in the PSDI mode of operation. The regular oilers shall wear tight-fitting clothing. Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal air supply and use of the tripping mechanism(s). Only part revolution type mechanical power presses are approved for PSDI. Note: These flanges may be clamped together by means of a central nut, or by a series of bolts or some other equivalent means of fastening. 1910.163 Fixed extinguishing systems, water spray and foam. (2) Cold trimming presses. (See Figures O-6 and O-7 and paragraph (b)(9) of this section. 653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor's Order No. The hood and mounting shall be arranged so that the hood will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of and remain in contact with the material being cut but it shall not offer any considerable resistance to insertion of material to saw or to passage of the material being sawed. Limitation: Rim height, T dimension, is generally equal to or greater than rim thickness, W dimension. If made of wood, the posts shall be two by four (2 4) inches or larger. (3) Broken pulleys. (8) The practice of inserting wedges between the saw disk and the collar to form what is commonly known as a wobble saw shall not be permitted. Full stop or No movement of the slide or ram means when the crankshaft rotation has slowed to two or less revolutions per minute, just before stopping completely. (D) The requirements for hand tools that may be used in the PSDI mode. (iii) Special handtools for placing and removing material shall be such as to permit easy handling of material without the operator placing a hand in the danger zone. The requirement in paragraph (h)(3)(i)(C) is intended to prevent degradation in stoping speed from higher air pressure. (i) The point of operation of presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, except that the safety distance requirements of paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section shall be used for PSDI operation. 2. A U type guard is permissible. 1910.11 Scope and purpose. (6) Each operating treadle shall be protected against unexpected or accidental tripping. Bolts, nuts, and setscrews will, however, be permitted where they are covered with safety sleeves or where they are used parallel with the shafting and are countersunk or else do not extend beyond the flange of the coupling. (1) Dull, badly set, improperly filed, or improperly tensioned saws shall be immediately removed from service, before they begin to cause the material to stick, jam, or kick back when it is fed to the saw at normal speed. Similarly, only presses with a configuration such that a person's body cannot completely enter the bed area are approved for PSDI. (i) The control system on presses used in the PSDI mode shall meet the applicable requirements of paragraphs (b)(7), (b)(8), (b)(13), and (c)(5) of this section. In every case the sides of trough shall extend at least two (2) inches beyond the shafting or protuberance. 1910.97 Nonionizing radiation. The guard shall be fastened to the frame carrying the rolls so as to remain in adjustment for any thickness of stock. The most recent records shall be made available to OSHA upon request. Standards covering issues of occupational safety and health which have general application without regard to any specific industry are incorporated by reference in paragraphs (b) through (m) of this section and in subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph and made applicable under this section. B. If made of pipe, the post shall be one and one-fourth (114) inches inside diameter, or larger. Vertical and inclined shafting seven (7) feet or less from floor or working platform, excepting maintenance runways, shall be enclosed with a stationary casing in accordance with requirements of paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. broken springs). (ii) If operating speed does not exceed 8,000 surface feet per minute cast iron safety guards, malleable iron guards or other guards as described in paragraph (b)(10)(iii) of this section shall be used. It should be noted that this does not require redundancy for press components such as structural elements, clutch/brake mechanisms, plates, etc., for which adequate reliability may be achieved by proper design, maintenance, and inspection. (3) Upon issuance of the decision, any party to the hearing may file exceptions within 20 days pursuant to subpart C. If exceptions are filed, the administrative law judge shall forward the decision, exceptions and record to the Assistant Secretary for the final decision on the application. This clearance shall not exceed one-sixteenth inch. EN 618:2002+A1:2010, Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of bulk materials except fixed belt conveyors EN 619:2002+A1:2010, Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads The midrail may be one by four (1 4) inches or more. Means must be provided to prevent tightener from falling, in case the belt breaks. The test shall be considered successful if the stopping time remains within that which is determined by paragraph (h)(9)(v) for the safety distance setting. The sides of the lower exposed portion of the blade shall be guarded to the full diameter of the blade by a device that will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the stock and remain in contact with stock being cut to give maximum protection possible for the operation being performed. Minimum requirements for this position are a Bachelor's degree and five years professional experience, at least one of which shall have been in responsible charge of a function in the areas of power press design or manufacture or a broad range of power press use, or in the areas of testing, quality control, or certification/validation of equipment comparable to power presses or their associated control systems. (i) Hand-lever-operated power presses shall be equipped with a spring latch on the operating lever to prevent premature or accidental tripping. Adjustable guard to be used for starting engine or for running adjustment may be provided at the flywheel of gas or oil engines. A separate pushbutton shall be employed to activate the clutch, and the clutch shall be activated only if the driver motor is deenergized. The employer shall certify that the PSDI safety system has been design certified and validated, that the installation meets the operational and environmental requirements specified by the manufacturer, that the installation drawings are accurate, and that the installation meets the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. All manually operated valves and switches shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. If the conveyor runs overhead, precautions must be taken to prevent injuries from materials that may fall from above. The analysis reports should identify: (1) The basis for the analysis; (2) the hardware or software items analyzed; (3) conclusions; (4) safety factors; and (5) limit of the analysis. 11. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. Appendix C to Subpart I of Part 1910Personal Fall Protection Systems Non-Mandatory Guidelines Preliminary disapproval. Where belts are so located as to make it impracticable to carry the guard to wall or ceiling, construction of guard shall be such as to enclose completely the top and bottom runs of belt and the face of pulleys. Each reaction time required to calculate the Safety Distance, including the brake monitor setting, shall be documented in separate reaction time tests. (b) Portable wheels with threaded inserts or projecting studs. Part 1910 Previous Next Top Enhanced Content The complete text of this part is too large to display all at once. Each manufacturer supplying parts, components, subsystems, and assemblies needs to maintain the quality of the product, and each employer needs to maintain the system in a non-degraded condition. Higher voltages that may be necessary for operation of machine or control mechanisms shall be isolated from any control mechanism handled by the operator, but motor starters with integral Start-Stop buttons may utilize line voltage control. It shall be readily accessible and operate whether pushed or pulled. (iii) Means shall be provided for disconnecting the power to the machine and for locking out or rendering cycling controls inoperable. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. (xiv) The control system shall perform checks for proper operation of all cycle control logic element switches and contacts at least once each cycle. 1910.37 Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit routes. Tail rods or extension piston rods shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section, or by a guardrail on sides and end, with a clearance of not less than fifteen (15) nor more than twenty (20) inches when rod is fully extended. It is expected that the brake monitor adjustment normally could be evaluated on the basis of the effect on the safety system certification/validation documentation retained by the validation organization. (iii) The band shall be of sufficient width and its position kept so adjusted that at no time will the wheel protrude beyond the edge of the band a distance greater than that indicated in Figure O-29 and in Table O-2 or the wall thickness (W), whichever is smaller. All foot operated devices (i.e., treadles, pedals, bars, valves, and switches) shall be substantially and effectively protected from unintended operation. (vii) Reactivation of PSDI operation following deactivation of the PSDI mode from any other cause, such as activation of the red color stop control required by paragraph (b)(7)(ii) of this section, interruption of the presence sensing field, opening of an interlock, or reselection of the number of sensing field interruptions/withdrawals required to cycle the press, shall require resetting of the set-up/reset means. (6) Part revolution clutch means a type of clutch that can be disengaged at any point before the crankshaft has completed a full revolution and the press slide a full stroke.

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