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Research suggests that editorial management systems as digital infrastructures are adapted to the local needs at scholarly journals and reflect main realms of activities. Of all 11,103 manuscripts which make it to a decision at least in one round, the first submitted version is rejected in the vast majority of the cases, whereas manuscripts which make it through the first round, stand a good chance to be accepted in the later stages, as is shown in Figure 1. Marres (2017) points out that by dealing with data from digital infrastructures, research agency is twisted: the data often prompt the researcher to their perspective and methodology, resulting in that digital research requires an at once critical and creative approach to method (p.115). The first possibility is the short decision path from Manuscript Consultation Started directly to Editor Decision Complete. The edge widths show, how many manuscripts experience the respective evolutionary path. We stopped disintegration at the iteration before the four different decision events Manuscript Rejected, Manuscript Revise and Re-Review, Manuscript Revise only and Manuscript Accepted fell apart from each other into different components. decision started . Apparently, appeal plays a minor role with Waiting for Appeal (N = 355), Appeal Received (N = 358) and Appeal Request Accepted (N = 355), but with overall low numbers. Yet, in our data set, we also found events that reach beyond administrative activities, because they document pace, effectiveness, or quality of the process or the item (the manuscript), thus enabling quality control and supervision of the whole process, which we label observational elements. The editors of the receiving journal will take the reviews into account when making their decision, although in some cases they may choose to take advice from additional reviewers. We have shown in our contribution, that the peer review process in digital infrastructures is complex: We started from an abstract description of a minimal peer review process with four elements according to Schendzielorz and Reinhart (2020), acknowledged an ideal digitalized process with seventeen positioned components according to a patent (Plotkin, 2009) and empirically found an open process with 72 events in it. (2019). The second possibility is the long decision path from Manuscript Consultation Started through external peer review to Editor Decision Complete. Moreover, infrastructures can be seen as structures emerging from situated knowledges, a term coined by Haraway (1988) with regard to people and communities with partial perspectives. However, on occasion editors might consult with expert researchers when deciding whether to review a paper. The editor and the editorial team decide whether or not to send the manuscript out to review; the corresponding author is contacted with the decision. It is not our goal, however, to make a life cycle analysis of manuscripts at this publisher. In this regard, editorial management systems perform timekeeping, when they support and oversee the duration of sub-processes (Reviewer Waited too Long, Waiting for Authors Revision etc.). Editorial management systems may then be interpreted as representations and manifestations of the peer review process which is itself an internal element of the self-governance within the sciences. In other words, events can be thought of as the ways of how activities are conceived by the infrastructure. Further, it indicates respect for the authors as sentient beings possibly frustrated about a negative decision. If the editor is satisfied with your work, they will choose appropriate peer reviewers to evaluate your work, taking into account several factors including expertise, experience . In total, 278,098 events were filed in the database. The two additional source and target nodes make start and end of the process visible. We then continue by presenting major outcomes of the study, followed by a discussion about the editorial processes mediated by editorial management systems, and the role of automated decision making. dmsder moderne staatZeitschrift fr Public Pol. In the database entry, we would later discover this as a digital trace of the action performed.

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