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A public venue? I suspect that his perfection is intended to be a one of a kind and that the celestial-powers-that-be threw away the mold after he was created!' Either way not so many opportunities for underpants adds !! Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. Well, maybe. Is that the gay site? [R227] Heughan wants as many fans as he can attract to feed his commercial ambitions. S and D both in Somerset area while S shooting the Paul Newman bit part. ), and of course hed really really like to be Bond) but when it comes to straightwashing/ bearding JA never seems to learn about making it less clumsy. I mean here he is promoting the podcast clanlands for example and he tries to promote Scotland in general but then invests in an American brewed whisky. Oh Sa, give it up already. His private FB gone.. that was the most telling with the comments. (seems more like clever marketing of his whisky to me - he sent out quite a few sample boxes, and she could be useful to target the younger potential buyers). And without 'likes' and 'following' being public it is harder to lay IG breadcrumb trails if you want to - til now you could sell an image and innuendo with merely a couple of clicks. Although not a charity as often stated, it is a business which gives very generously to charity. And the Omaze date competition reeled in the customers. While that has fallen flat, theres been a build up of the Sam/Sophie SM banter, photo line up placements etc for quite a few months. Sam is well suited to his role in OL not because he is gay but because he is a fine actor. It actually enhances the fanbase if she can be sold as a possible bisexual. Still, it will earn him a lot of money probably, and that is what it's all about for him for now. Then why does Purv re-invent, extrapolate, fabricate and pretzel herself so hard into selling the straight narrative? You know that!!' Honestly what to make of a character like Jamie(as an actor) and Claire is annoying, very annoying. His people need to turn the page in the playbook. The last thing any of you ladies want is to be engaged in a private conversation with someone who isnt who they say they are. I hope he will find his inner strength and power again. Who the hell is styling this guy? ; He might be; No, Yes, Maybe; Not of course that it matters if he is (like hell), but hes not; Ah, hes just fucked up when it comes to women, doesnt mean hes gay! Just to clarify, there are plenty of hetero guys who have things to hide but being straight isn't one of them. I guess I was in love with what I perceived was their love and wanted it to be true. And not a closet supporter either. Heughan considers it a compliment and not 'hate' to be called homosexual. [R537] Or should I have said Whiskying his fame for all it's worth !! [R208] Sassenach Whisky flavoured condoms! the bear carmy berzatto jeremy allen white episode 8 season one. Its so good I watched it from beginning to end in almost one night. {R394] Agree, Heughan is massively exploiting his OL fame and his fans and when the series finishes his products won't be so commercially viable. Wouldn't be much of a stretch in acting after all. I watched a couple OL episode and the guy can act. TBH I have no idea what JA's idea is. (sorry, but I've seen the guy's testicles shining away on stage in 2002, and I didn't see anything magical - distracting, yes, but not magical, and I expect the 'Dirk' is the same. If the HW powerbrokers thought they'd still make the $$ out of casting openly gay actors in leading/romantic roles, they'd probably do it. r329 Unclear. R1, despite the recent casting as an action hero I think Madden is more interested in a varied, challenging career. ], and again from POSTER 1: And you know this to be true, rumours of him having a relationship with a Luke , however this Luke was in a relationship for two years with a woman who recently married a man, until Sam Heughan says he is gay, then his life is his own business. Heughan could make guest appearances at random Shelters dressed in groin high jeans to display the latest underpants add. ;-) I believe it was this picture of curved d*ck shaped chocolate covered bananas that Amy posted. How anyone can have any doubts about his sexuality after watching his latest interviews beats me.He looks to have had extensive Botox and to be wearing feminine , luminous , foundation makeup and some kind of lip tint if not actual lipstick.. [ I know some make up has to be worn on TV ] He certainly does look more androgynous than ever,. Popcorn interview - adroitly buried the personal life question. The moment she turns her back on him", R470 he did always say theater was his passion, watching this interview it does feel like he's tired of all the same questions. Who will Purv be promoting next week? Maybe shes freelancing for JA, who knows. You take on board their life to live like they do. This is just so predictable. A couple of days ago she liked Katheryn Winnick to be by his side - can't have the Magical Golden Dirk staying zipped, can she? [R480] JA is watching to make sure he doesn't turn up to premiers wearing too much makeup and looking too feminine .got to keep up the butch image.! Actors, through illusion, seek to convince their audience. Georgia did seem to have perfectly legit business links (as well as a boyfriend and a sense of camera direction), but hey, dont let a hetero selling opportunity go to waste. A bit awkward to want it both ways now. To make sure he looks manly, just put a rottweiling lady besides him. Nothing to hide other than people living their lives. I can already see her removing his make up lol. Someone somewhere seems to be splashing around quite a bit of money to tweak the betting odds - for what these numbers are ever worth. Heughan has advertised on his IG stories that he's going to the British Luxury Awards in London 18 Nov. Dunhill is up for an award, so more shilling coming up - gotta maintain that brand! Just popped in to F and F you vile, homophobic fat nazi gross cunts. [quote]If Sam comes out while Outlander is still on - mobs of menopausal and post-menopausal women carrying pitchforks would suddenly appear in the streets. In any event, he still ping, ping, pings. May be he can reuse the bottles for parfum. But nor is it a virtue, like kindness. You don't hire a rottweiler like Jennifer Allen unless you're shamed into it -- or as Heughan put it in a red carpet interview at the 2016 Golden Globes, they were going to "lock me in a box. " If thats been your experience, please leave me a comment here (I wont publish). With a lack of LGBT+ roles and an ongoing debate over the ethics of straight actors nabbing most of them, it is depressing to see the same lazy tropes being used when there are so many more authentic queer stories to be told. Think the first one last year was in full swing around this time? And of course SH banters back. I've been following Duncan's career since seeing him in Vikings. Contrary to Extreme Shipper and Hater popular belief, I don't fake anything or "make up narratives," I don't need to or want to, I simply POST INFO SENT TO ME. I agree he has the right to privacy, but its a point that could be easily clarified one way or another but been turned into some game that makes him look like a fool. Garrett Clayton tells a similar story of Hollywood homophobia [quote]The Teen Beach Movie actor told Gay Times magazine that he often felt pressured to remain in the closet, with key industry figures encouraging the 27-year-old to "butch up" the way he looked and behaved in the public eye. Given the spike in gay speculation that has followed Balfe's recent interviews finally sinking the showmance cover (well, hopefully), JA may assess that SH needs to go a bit further again than innuendo and Purv's idiocy - so workshop time, folks - another beard? Thats why Sam gets away with so much fuckery. Maybe he won't want to do it again. Why wasn't he carrying a bottle of Sassenach whisky ? All his games can't work around factors like this. And if the big D is TMGD, well then those little kitties pale in comparison. Is that why you called me the Queen shipper? Probably there are no women alive, except his mom, whoever came close enough to him to witness about this. Outlander's Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan Answer Every Question (Well, Almost) About That Season Six Finale The pair reveals the hardest part of the episode to film, and where the series is most likely to pick up when it returns. Graham did not invite Cait to his wedding !!!!! She never went to any type of drama school or academy and maybe she simply never had any acting lessons ever. She might make a suitable beard;). Yey! I don't think he has , what I would call for lack of another word, star presence .at least not enough of it to make him stand out against all the younger competition . Even though he grew up in Dumfries and Galloway, Heughan worked in London and America for years. No one has the right to infiltrate privacy and take it upon themselves to broadcast it at will. ); OL - he likes to think he's bringing Scotland to the world (oh, please! The pair were photographed kissing (. I think Heughan is simply his main business. r288 Well, he does like the leather uniform look. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. Given the visceral hatred that some OL fans have demonstrated about an openly gay actor playing Jamie they would be right in some genres. r515 Yes, I would have thought that such a trip wouldn't require a director, but maybe they are pulling out all stops - the American market, north and south, would prove quite lucrative. Call me cynical but does he need to go , to the presumably, vast expense of developing further products when all he has to do is 'buy in ' other products and offer them under his own brand name. As for chemistry This is really heavy and cool, Phoebe Waller-Bridge said during her GG acceptance speech today. It was originally a dating app (started 2015) but now it's also into professional networking for members of the entertainment industry. If, and it is IF, this is true and not a false feed, he would have to know that there was a strong likelihood that he would be seen and maybe snapped so why do it? But thank you for the compliment". I'm delighted by the absurdity of this message. The too tight jacket a crude attempt to look sexy..only succeeded in looking like a cheap HW starlet. Purv is obsessed. Its New Years Day. R419 agree that he got himself (partly) trapped I wholeheartedly disagree with the fact that he shouldn't be allowed or shouldn't have a right to comment on Trump or other politicians and political matters. Scottish BAFTAs on Sunday. Exit one potential gf. The longer he's not shooting for Outlander the bette he starts to look. Therefore he could only see himself with someone very young who didn't have a career of her own yet. On the other hand she pushed his photoshoots obviously since he hit the American continent. We've seen countless examples. I think its started a new Sam is gay debate amongst the OL cultists. It does of course , as [R110] said, give him as useful source of free beards. Production was initially delayed to the COVID . JUST ME AND MY WIERDNESS, RIDICULOUSLY ADDICTED TO SAM HEUGHAN!!!!! This "man whore" image and "eye candy" poses, are what will lead to even more serious assault and abuse incidences. This time he doesn't have to rely on drops into facebook accounts, supposed sightings, photoshopped and cropped images, and if the rabid fans run with it, he can point out that 'Well, the article did say.' . It's a stereotypically feminine fantasy, as suits both the author of the original book (Diana Gabaldon) and her female heroine, Claire Randall/Fraser (Caitriona Balfe in the show) a nostalgic. r529 Spite can keep you going for quite a while - and there's his latest divorce to finalize before he beams off. Why do you even care about me enough to research my archives? Thank you for all your hard work in keeping the truth of it all and sharing it with thegood ship lollipop community on Tumblr. Here's a very symbolic manip And here's the real pic with Sam and Graham. Ask me anything Follow. Its real!!. [R373] What's next ? He was simply magnificent, and gay. How is any of this credible. Nah. As well as being a fine actor, he's always come across my gaydar as a beautiful gay man - not 'camp', not from 'that world', not stereotypical, just a great gay guy. I think that pretty much clears up the bat both Sam and Amy were referring to as not being straight aka its curved. Do you frantically look under her bed, close the door and scramble to read every juicy page? Earlier today after watching Fallon, she posted, Sam is looking thinner, definitely getting ready to play Paul Newman. Do they really believe that they could ever have a chance with Gay Sam??? Please click here to update your account with a username and password. Laff of the day, courtesy of Purv. His embarrassing public pick me pick me thirstiness on twitter about Bond at least seems to have diminished - he hasn't re-tweeted any of the three Bond odds articles of the last week or so. . Hello, I make a query. SH can be pushed even more into the 'eye candy' box, with his performances in support, and the extremely ambitious Balfe is only too happy to be the focus- even the seating arrangements in one of those interview shows had the Queen sitting in her own chair while SH was squashed in with the others on the sofa - unintentional? The man who shared this hotel suite with Sam in Memphis and 'handled everything' was not his bussiness partner Alex.. [quote] March 24 2019. Or at least for a few bloggers who are determined that he is Anything But Gay. Etc. Combined with the $$$ spent on cons again and again.this is not normal behavior. You couldnt be a normal person and wonder what was being said. Besides the right that everyone has to have an opinion and speak his/her mind, America dominates global politics still so we are all under its influence of course we can comment on trump. Probably cross country skiing would be safest but he was definitely alpine skiing. That was before Jennifer Allen was hired to straightwash him around the time of Lionsgate's impending purchase of Starz. As Jimmy, Sam transformed into a completely different person than Jamie Fraser. Oh, the outrage! Anonymous, I used to laugh at data lounge guys going with this. Still, good on him for releasing something new into the market and maybe he'll develop something different further down the track. Looks like Graceland is now one of Heughans sponsors [ Instagram ], [R320] Agree, the beat, no acting no sign of ' light entertainment persona'. Just a little research should do it, eh? I've just attended a meeting on ways to face down a group of zealots who are pushing for a law making it compulsory for doctors to refer their gay patients for gay conversion therapy. Such manipulation is almost beyond credibility ! Maybe being crazy busy is the only way to make the closet bearable. The Village People is an American disco group known for its on-stage costumes and suggestive lyrics. Sam holding his hand on Caitrona's thigh, Caitrona fanning herself when Sam said take a cocktail shot, Sam waiting for and placing his hand on the small of her back to leave and Sam wearing pink socks to match Caitrona's shoes were the major highlights that screamed TOGETHER & IN LOVE for me. We all know he knows. He didnt have to do much at all. r283 I couldn't find much either, except that the character is a/the cybernetic villain, so he could get quite a bit of screen time. If this is what hes like when hes himself, Im all in. Who is this Purv, p-redux person?? On sam's instagram in 2022 they did a live (I'm new to tumblr I don't know how to paste the link) he and cait alone. [R212] D.L. Guess who has a Brand New Beard! Or maybe a theme from a movie or TV : The Mask; The Riddler; Liar, Liar; The Secret Life of Us. But then Putin introduced anti-gay legislation this summer sobeing a gay personI switched to Rudolf Nureyev videos instead. I'm pretty sure this is Sam Heughan from Outlander - lovely guy in real life. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If youve found youre getting trolled on your Instagram account and you lock to to stay safe, but the troll remained in your followers and posted your locked images on their own Instagram account? Of course Purv ignored that Hannah was with Lyne Renee, who was there to promote her show 'Motherland'. I don't know how relevant Shatner still is in HW [R528] Surely Shatner is barely alive he's so old ! Purv says so!! I love it when Sam decides to speak the truth . Take a look at An accomplished stage and screen actor best known for his leading roles in Starz TV Series . You can say all that on your own, you dont need some sicko catfishing you in order to do it. Yes. We always knew he was but he hadn't come out by then and we respected that. If this was at the Peabody it might just mean he couldn't afford separate rooms on a cable lead's salary. Two-day cameo. I hope for Sam that it will do well amongst the OL grannies(no I don't like them one bit, they get what's coming to them). It's not objectifying at all of course. But he does want the adoration on his terms - no objectification unless he is the one peacocking himself before the cameras; no criticism for things like that appalling tuna bashing - no, no, it was 'cultural', 'spiritual', his host 'the heart and soul of the island'; mocking poor shippers for believing the showmance cover that he himself promoted to the last possible minute, etc etc. And superhero movies are so outdated. Producers of his new movie want our actor to be everywhere this summer promoting the movie, so his people think a new beard is a great idea. The Purv explaining away and sock questions are getting a bit frantic - an escalation as the Bloodshot release looms? Now that's a claim I never thought I'd see. You had to find out what Puffy knows. Now, shoo, your idiocy is annoying my calm Sunday. Integrity goes a long way R213 you are right. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. r535 Yes, it is extremely distasteful - his manipulation, his encouraging of foolish shippers and then turning on them, his condescending stereotyping of the gay community in that PR driven 'denial' interview (stereotyping which I find particularly annoying), his innuendo, his lying, his cosying up to Shatner, the bully who posted such things as 'don't feel safe, ladies' on twitter, his bearding games, the straightwashing etc etc. Hes not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to security. As well as a world first gin tasting, Sam told me all about creating the gin, what botanicals have been used and what inspired it. Heughans worn the knees of his jeans out praying he might become the next Bond. Both him and another closeted actor r152 Snort. Being tacitly out as bi isn't necessarily an obstacle to that. arriving together at an airport in Japan ] Luke's body language absolutely screams 'I love and am very proud of this man '. [285] Thanks. Havent checked it all out yet but the visuals are pretty stunning. HEUGHAN: No, I dont think so. In this deadsville fandom, you would think if someone was going to break into my blog who wasnt welcome, the first thing theyd gobble up was tea about Sam and Cait, amirite? , Reblogging for this putrid reminder of who Chrissy Teigan really is. There was still some fine acting in S4, with SH doing his best with often rubbish scripts (as did Richard Rankin, but Skelton just cant act). To challenge and set goals for yourself, however you do it, is always a worthwhile . And he adores Caitriona Balfe for her looks and being a women. Years before he buried himself in the closet (in 2011) , Sam told one of his closest friends that there was NOTHING STRAIGHT about his Bat: Sam Heughan Verified account @SamHeughan Reply to @amy_shiels @amy_shiels ain't nothing straight about my Bat, you know that! Her outfit was gorgeous. In wearing that suit Heughan just stepped out of the closethe looked so gay. I am still not sure S 6 will happen. What a piece of crap. The director was Cressida Brown and it was at Offstage Theatre at Bridewell in London in Jan. 2011. "You know, those of us who entertain the theory of him being gay have absolutely no problem with him being gay. R344 thanks this rings true and explains a lot. R216 purv is even suggesting he's dating Georgia, Christina and Hannah. The "little lioness", the unemployed, struggled bottle blond from the white supremacist, evangelically family with the cheap looking extension and a father posing with a gun during his trip to a an Arab country? A couple of fans suggested that he bring out a line of these sporrans for Scottish weddings - no, just don't, or what's next? He urgently needs a 'meaty' serious acting role to play, not one that's merely using him as eye candy/heartthrob material to draw in the fan girls. However, the enthralling couple has been quick to shut down any rumors that they could be a couple. 'To All the Boys' Stars Lana Condor & Madeleine Arthur Attend Giambattista Valli Fashion Show in Paris. How about if someone figures out your password and hacks your account and publishes your emails. He has a new watch again too Asprey, never hear of. Yeah its Jennifer Allen banging her head against a wall. Caitriona has two best features: legs and face. r224. Its what we do with disappointments, no? I wouldn't think that this would impress Barbara Broccoli if she ever was told about it/saw photos, if there is anything to be seen of course. . While on set, Sam spends lots of time with Caitriona Balfe, his on-screen wife, and in real life, the pair have a tight-knit friendship. wendella said: Sam mentioned when he was in acting school that one of his instructors told him he was not a good enough actor to make it. Wonder if Heughans being paid to promote Scotland on Instagram ? The messy hair out so much softer on her facenot a slick-back pony in sight @odessa-2 !! Sam Heughan has the ugliest hairline I have ever seen. (would have attached the image but it doesn't seem to have worked - a bit like the straight innuendo effort). Sam Heughan Tumblr Just Make It A Double. Casting call for former Playboy models to beard for Sam Roland Heughan. Marge might be a more believable beard given your track record, Sam. But wait, there's more! JA again keeping a very close eye on Heughan. It seems like Vin is not very fond of Sam. His latest IG post is very clever - asking them to hold Sassanech whisky parties and tag him in their photos. Sam talks about his favourite Scottish restaurants, when and where youll be able to buy The Sassenach range of spirits, writing The Clanlands Almanac, his food obsessions, what life looks like after Outlander and much more,, funny how both SC are suddenly active online today and only few minutes apart, Maybe some time away from the kids together . He never never ever stops marketing his whisky .Heughan is fast becoming a bore ! Doubt it's the case though - all too familiar innuendo, bearding, I'm straight!! BAM!!!! When something ends and we cant be a part of it any longer, we grieve and move on. It's a smart move - he doesn't have to bother so much with being 'seen' with a 'gf' (without photos of course, just a lot of innuendo, or with photoshopped hands, cropped images etc) - there doesn't seem to have been a Miss September, and October is passing fast. Beards R Us on standby? I believe Mm was a beard so the explanation is clear to me. I much rather would see him working in West End as a happily open gay than in Hollywood as depressed closeted gay. We will see. By following the JA bearding manual so closely, all they did was draw attention to the parallels with the Shamzie fakery. A cap and ticket machine could be found somewhere. r181 Probably did it himself. Of course, it's part of my make-up, but I don't want to trade on it.. Haven't seen bloodshot but I didn't like the Spy film. Its noticeable sometimes that when some bloggers have a narrative they want to stress, repeat etc, particularly when there is a forthcoming PR event, into their in-box come anon messages on the lines of Im new to your blog and I have questionsI came across your blog and Id like to know.etc etc. He really only becomes animated these days when talking about Whiskey and Tartan Scarves . And that would be very wise. LuHaFraser. Okay , so I exaggerated the size a little. Whatever, only she moved from Vancouver to Scotland because she is so obsessed with him, book, show, etc. [Well, If He Had Taken A Woman Around As He Did Luke, Fans Would Have Been Calling Her His GF, No Doubt At All] His use of beards the biggest clearest one. Sam Heughan he should just come out like Luke Evans and others but he can't because of his Outlander role and his fanatical fan base, and of the potential loss of other roles like the Bond role. Pretty extreme attempts to present themselves as Super Fans and get his attention. Dunhill would weep. Again, maybe, hopefully not. Then SH/JA/PR team decided to go for hetero player lets see, we had Yoga Girl, mystery blonde, Ochoa, Hannah, Georgia, and probably a few more Ive forgotten. These homophobic trolls have been trying to derail and close these threads since years ago. In short [R271]-[R281] Heughan is laughing all the way to the bank ! The old threads about Gay Sam Heughan are still posted in the Datalounge archive, although certain shills and homophobic trolls have spent years trying to derail and close down these discussions: This could explain Sam's weird 'friendship' with William Shatner and Paul Camuso.. [quote]The 34-year-old native Scotsman admits he was desperate to get cast on Outlander, in part because of executive producer Ronald D. Moores work on Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, and he even managed to get some time on the lunch break during his screen test to talk to Moore about Captain Kirk. Just a few weeks ago, Starz debuted the first teaser for the upcoming seventh season of Outlander, which will be released this summer. You had to find out about the PI report. So our sam is thinking that maybe he has a twin! (BTW, Katheryn Winnick - a great actor from Vikings - is the latest on Purv's radar - Purv doesn't think she is with SH, but then they have both been skiing and he was seen at an airport in a group including a lovely lady - (that's quite an extrapolation). We can still see your true colours, Sammy. Ok, the Bloodshot premiere is looming, but come on, overstating your case just makes it look as though you are hiding something. Seems OK so far bot not sure that appearing in 'smart trash' is really going to expand SH's horizons. 'Samgia' is on, people!!! Not surprised about the drugs and I don't know if it was only ibuprofen at the critic awards either. "Amphibians" is one of Sam Heughan's stage works I really want to see if I could have a time travel. There seem to be several Bloodshot comics and it could develop into a franchise but very unclear if his character survives to be part of this (lots of really great graphics on the sites but not much plot detail). R29 I watched it partly, know what you mean. they're so . The artist EMPLOYS the PR company. A hell of a lot of celebrities are on it, and it probably attracts a lot of wannabees and IG posers - if they can get on of course. SH, JA etc must be fully aware by now in this age of bearding by SM of the extent to which some of the more dedicated will dig and dig and find any 'dirt' that is out there and interpret it, even if wrongly. Trying to present himself as a serious actor and not just a piece of meat now that the push for Bond is in full swing (the betting surge must be costing them a fortune), and to get more roles like that in the Roald Dahl movie? Why do you even know about me? Can you link to that IG so others can see what were discussing? [R349] Well that brightened up my Monday Morning ! [4] Be seen in the company of attractive young women [ more credible if they are not too young ] from time to time and let the inevitable speculation of fans lead to the conclusion you are a hetero man! Purv is back to Hannah, and she's also dragging up Katie Rebekah who was supposedly Heughan's girlfriend 2011/2012. Heughan is likely to keep up the slippery shippery antics as long as he can, not only for the great cover it gives him, but for greed - he is now going to Wizard World in New Orleans in January, with prices of up to US$1500 for a 3 day pass, a fireside chat and film retrospective from the Adored One.

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