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We are more in touch with our bodies in the sense that we see them for what they are, and many begin exercise programs during this transit. If you know what you want, you now can harness considerable force to attain what your desire. Fears that you might get hurt could be self-fulfilling prophecies if you are not careful now. You may feel a little stiff around people as a result. Physically, this is apt to be a rather low period when we dont have that extra oomph or drive to accomplish things. Our thinking is more realistic and practical. Some sort of buckling down is necessary at this time, and is often perceived as limitations coming from other people or from circumstances. what does that mean. Mars Conjunct Ascendant: Facing These People And Transit Head On! Because we have a more mature grasp of our own capabilities, we project a more responsible, perhaps serious, and self-assured personality to others. We don't collect your IP address. Let go of the negativity and use your positive energy to glow. Sometimes we can draw great strength from these phases. Ego boosts dont seem to be forthcoming, or if they are, we dont see them in such a light. The resulting anger is difficult to express therefore requires patience and self-discipline. With this reading you receive. This book is heavy reading, but powerful and insightful. At the very least, our self-expression becomes more sober and practical. You are very antagonistic and feel very anxious during this time, even afraid to face people. It doesn't matter whether youre establishing buildings, relationships, nations, or world records. You may feel upset at circumstances or people who appear to be blocking you. Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. It is a time when your energy levels will be extremely high, and you'll need to find a creative outlet for these energies, or you may end up being irritable and restless. Fears and insecurities of all kinds are magnified during this periodfear of rejection, fear of what the future might bring, fear that we wont be able to handle our lives masterfully, and so forth. It was a lotus pond and a presence. Yet, you should never forget that everything takes time. That prediction can forecast trends and development that you can have in the future. Others are likely to be very irritating to you now. This, to ancient peoples, was regarded as disaster. The transit of Mars conjunct your natal Saturn can be quite difficult. So, be positive about yourself and keep ongoing. Circumstances may be such that you are required to exercise restraint in your life now. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Self-reliance is characteristic of these times, and some of us are less sociable during these transits. Everyday coping skills can be compromised at this timechores and routines seem to be harder to do or more burdensome than usual. But panic won't help you. You now act in an organized manner and can take into account more details and get more out of your efforts. energy low depression high. But if you'll stick to your routine and plans, that will save you from your dark thoughts. Only by confronting yourself will you overcome doubts, and you will be able to distinguish the part played by external circumstances in your difficulties, and the part you play yourself. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn is the most important period of life since it always happens around the age of 29, when you begin to be older and totally responsible for your destiny. Know that this period in your life, while temporary, is a time for learning about your personal limits as well as your inner strength. 4 / 10. You might not yet feel the struggle at first. Understand everything and work with them on good terms. Saturn transits have been feared for centuries. This process is necessary, as we are learning to see ourselves more realisticallywithout rose-colored glassesso that we can move forward with a stronger sense of purpose. If things or people leave your life, it is likely because the connection between you was weak, or they somehow no longer serve a healthy purpose in your life. For you to be able to find a cure for this, you need positivity for your way out. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. Rather than succumbing to the temptation to feel sorry for yourself, accept whatever limitations you face now as an opportunity to improve and grow in a very specific and disciplined way. If your move is wrong because of your impatience, then brace yourself. Then you can freely respect what others achieve, too. We may feel left out, blocked from advancing in our chosen life path, and lacking in energy and confidence. The transit of Saturn sextile your natal Mars enables you to work hard with a lot of perseverance, and thus demonstrate your skills and worth. No crying just release. Therefore, every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal point. In other words, we need to be more conscious of opportunities with the sextile in order to benefit from the positive aspects of the transit. By working on facing up to your responsibilities, following the rules, and adopting a humbler approach to others, you gain a greater sense of purpose. You must know that if you have important things to do you should do them first. The purpose of this transit is to cool your passions in some manner, to conserve your energy for what truly matters, and to discipline your approach to getting what you want from life. well, I am old and I am alone. Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The by Stephen Arroyo. The essential nature of Saturn is cold and dry. Will Saturn be going through your 2nd House (money) next year? Deeply ingrained personal habits are also something to re-assess. Always remember that you need to strengthen your trust and have more experience on your own. It would be beneficial on your way to keep your focus. It would lead you to have known in your work career. As you can see, you will read here more about Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit. You should not be discouraged by failures. If you are going through a self-pitying phase, allow it to happen for as long as it serves its purpose. It would be best for you to accept this confrontation with yourself. While you may have a clear ambition, obligations may redirect your drive towards what others demand of you, and those in authority can diminish your ability to pursue your own objectives. Saturn has a way of slowing down our life, as if it is forcing us to take a really good look at it. Others might notice that you are a little withdrawn socially, perhaps sarcastic or negative in your speech, and less available in general. Eventually, you will come to a point where you are more confident of how you go about attracting love, money, favors, and pleasure into your life, and this comes from arriving at truths and realities. Progress made during this transit period is likely to bring us rewards in our careers and/or our social livesif not now, in the future. I m the older. A thought in the future, an astrological pattern helps respond to possibilities. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Saturn transits simply tend to bring us the results of our actions, for better or worse. No, just the results of the bad actions that you chose. With these aspects, you are learning to find happiness in the more simple things in life, as well as in living a more structured and responsible existence. You can also predict the circumstances, trends, and reactions of an individual. Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Jupiter It can ignite your darkest desires or give you the stamina and patience to complete the hardest of tasks. Domestic problems may be part of the picture, often connected to women and sometimes the mother. You have control over yourself. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. Disappointment comes from unfulfilled desires. You may experience a certain disdain for superficial interactions with others, either because you now view them as unnecessary, fake, or distracting. sun. However, if this is the case, it is intentional and we dont feel forced into solitude or left out like we might when Saturn transits in hard aspect to our personal planets. What is in fact foretold is the trend of circumstances and the nature of the individual's reaction to the situation. If you are able to figure out what your goals are, you will be willing to strive to achieve them. Take some time to be alone, to reflect, and to understand what it is you want back from life on an emotional level. You need to be respected and something makes you feel how difficult it will be to get it. Or between savoring victory after hard-earned struggles and merely surviving as a victim of unjust circumstances. You must be careful, however, with machinery or potentially dangerous instruments, because the repressed energies can cause you to get hurt by working with them. You vacillate between feeling emboldened and encumbered. You may also read Mars Conjunct Jupiter. Because the Sun rules our vitality, we may feel that our energy is somewhat depleted. You need the respect of others, and you must learn to get it. The transit of Mars trine your natal Saturn makes you very patient and puts you in a position to do things well. It is possible that you are paying the frustrating consequences of the unsuitable actions you took seven or fourteen years ago, and now they do not allow you to act freely. The transit of Mars conjunct your natal Saturn can be quite difficult. At first, you know that the feature of these planets is so different from each other. Our thinking is clear, and we can study and absorb information, perhaps not more readily, but certainly more deeply. You may get a reality check or see the truth in a current situation. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. It becomes unpleasant to see and to understand the situation. Orlando, Florida bus charters are ideal for large groups, corporate events, conventions, trade shows, sport teams, sporting events, school field trips, parties, weddings, family reunions, church events and more. Financial blocks are quite possible at this time, especially if the Sun is associated with the second or eighth house by position or rulership. When transit Mars is opposite your natal Saturn, others apparently react very intensely to you. We may be feeling awkward and self-conscious, and consequently less sociable as spontaneity is lacking for us now. You feel a lot of frustration, but if you have the courage to act decisively, you can get a lot. They serve as a reminder that there is a time to press forward and time to wait, and that you benefit more by saving your strength rather than wasting it. The transit of Saturn opposite your natal Mars is very difficult. During the Mars conjunct Saturn transit, you may tend to divert your attention to important issues, requiring that enough focus is placed on making your motivations more realistic. It can be hard for us to take risks at this time, and we are likely to focus on the negatives in our lives. Our lives seem more stable during this time period, likely because we are able to look at ourselves in a realistic and reasonable manner. We don't collect your IP address. Some more Interpretations of Transit Saturn Conjunct Mars from our astrology reports and readings: I have bought so many reports and I have to say this - you guys are the best resource for astrology. Avoid blaming others for where you are at nowdoing this will only lead to feelings of melancholy and anger. This period in your life is a time for building a solid foundation. Excessive or wasteful endeavors and personality traits may need to be tempered now. If you can't find a way to channel that anger out, then it could easily collapse within and become depression or an overall physical malaise. It is a good time to act towards a predetermined direction and work hard to achieve the goal you want. Conjunct means: Power joins together the energies of Saturn and Mars. In tradition, like Mars Trine Pluto Synastry, Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit would give you a hard time when you want to express your anger and repulsiveness. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. It means that they cannot predict everything without an astrological pattern. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. The quality of your relationships is most important to you now. You are now fully aware of your inhibitions, limitations, and inner doubts. This transit tends to reduce the uncertainty, at the very least with regards to our capabilities, and offers a welcome reprieve from feelings of guilt and fear. Your goal is to find deeper connections to others. This might manifest as an authority figure demanding a great deal from you, and you becoming increasingly frustrated with the requirements or your own progress. Think about the energies involved. Departments & Programs. This can all take place in your inner world, but for many, there is an external trigger in the form of an event or circumstance that changes your perception of things. Your efforts will be recognized. It's more benefitting if you'll have yourself on getting strict. But you see, if you put aside your emotions and opinions, you'll get to see the positive side. It is very hard for us to see the big picture during this period. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn means to have a problematic situation and mindset. Although this sometimes is a debilitating interval, it usually manifests only if you fight the current and insist on going against the grain. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn means to have a problematic situation and mindset. Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Natal Neptune You might meet mentors or those older or wiser than you who have something important to teach you. Mars opposite Saturn transit brings frustration, disappointment, and anger. Mars Opposite Saturn Natal Transit You must have patience with yourself and others while you endure a number of tests to see how ready and fortified you are to move ahead with your life purpose and goals.

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