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South Gloucestershire is an area with extensive Green Belt, Cotswold National Landscape designation, bustling urban areas and three unique market towns. The Local Development Guide was presented and adopted at Gloucestershire County Council's Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2021. However there are also other NNB technologies being developed including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and nuclear fusion through the Governments Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP). Junction 12 (Gloucester fringe) and M5 Junction 14 (located within South Gloucestershire). A Community Impact Assessment will also be required in order to bring together and assess individual and cumulative impacts on existing communities and to inform the development and timely implementation of appropriate management and mitigation measures. Priority 2 Identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves. Our connectivity (both transport and digital) is a huge attraction to business. In our most recent budget consultation, you told us that you are satisfied with the way the council works and that we deliver value for money. A detailed timeline for preparing our new Local Plan is set out in the Local Plan Delivery Programme (LPDP). Changes to the way the planning system operates (including national planning policy) is likely to have a strong influence on the range and content of planning policies we include in our Local Plan 2020. The following hierarchy helps explain the approach to cooling required: The use of air conditioning systems is not a sustainable cooling option and should be avoided as it exacerbates carbon dioxide emissions and overheating risks. We will lead by example, decarbonising our own operations and making them climate and ecologically resilient. One of the proposals includes reducing the number of policies at the Local Plan level and creating new national planning policies to cover key topics. Proposals seeking to follow this route will be required to provide evidence from a Passivhaus Certifier that the proposed design would be capable of and is expected to achieve the full certified Passivhaus standard, and incorporate renewable heating and renewable energy generation technology, in order to be net zero carbon. South Gloucestershire encompasses large areas of distinctive and high quality built and natural/rural landscape, which should be safeguarded and enhanced, and where possible, incorporated into development proposals. Our aim is to promote vibrant, mixed-use town centres with active public spaces, commercial, education, leisure, and cultural facilities. 18. This will come forward in later stages of the plan. While acknowledging that a proposed NNB power station at Oldbury has the potential to bring benefits to businesses, employment and the community, and make a significant contribution in terms of low carbon energy, there a number of fundamental concerns about potential negative effects. to help understand what was in this consultation, West of England Strategic Planning and Collaborative Working, Biodiversity and Planning SPD (Consultation page), shape the places that we live, work and socialise in, have a direct impact on quality of life, the natural and built environment, have positive impacts on climate change, inequalities and encourage a green economy, discuss choices and make decisions about where future homes and jobs might be located, and which areas should be protected. Although these changes are not reflected in this current draft, the council will continue to review the impact of the Order on the proposed schedules and will reflect updates where necessary in later drafts of this policy. The interim storage of radioactive waste and spent fuel on site forms an integral part of the operation and decommissioning of any nuclear power station and associated facilities. You can get information on their website. Strategy Where will new development go? The public consultation on our plan to introduce restrictions on the rights of homeowners to convert existing housing into houses in multiple occupation in the Stoke Park and Cheswick ward, and parts of the Filton ward closed on 31 January 2023. The Council proposes a new approach to parking standards that better reflects the changes that we need to make in how we live and work in the future in order for us to live more sustainably. They also indicate how we are looking to review, and eventually replace our existing range of planning policies. Mitigation primarily means minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the development. Design measures can help to reduce the need for heating and cooling, as well as power. More information on the RESPD can be found here. This will help applicants understand how the policy requirements fit together and what information is necessary to demonstrate how the policies will be satisfied. If a future or legacy use for any temporary development or construction area is not feasible or appropriate, the Council shall require a scheme of works to be agreed whereby: i. The most common technologies are solar PV and also solar thermal. Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, 62. Unregulated energy includes cooking, appliances and other small power consumption. How will we know what level of parking provision is suitable on a site within the zone? In the last two years, we have seen a 5% increase in assessments for adult social care. Although the current climate would suggest that this may be a reversing trend it is also clear that for many, the private car will remain the primary option of travel in the short to medium term at least. These documents contain a wide range of adopted planning policies, and will be used to determine planning applications until they are replaced. However, the Council considers that, in order to minimise impact of nuclear new build NNB on the locality it will be important where possible and practical to re-use the existing power station facilities and/or brownfield land and materials. Suitable disposal options will also need to be appropriately regulated and controlled and comply with other relevant plans, such as the West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy. However, at this early stage of building our new Local Plan we do not have drafts of most of the policies that will be needed. Youve told us we need to have a greater focus on the Climate Emergency. The greater focus and specific action plans that flow from the Council Plan will accelerate our work and highlight where we can take further positive steps to protect and enhance our natural environment, delivering improvements to residents health and wellbeing and show that economic regeneration can enable people and nature to thrive. The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. Men from the least deprived areas live five years longer and women live over six years longer than those living in the most deprived areas. This masterplan should set the overall strategy for the site, and provide the context for more detailed development proposals. The documents can be viewed below: Adopted Local Plan (PDF) [7MB] We have prepared an interactive version of the Local Plan. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? For all developments, (except residential developments and those where there is no on-site car parking provision proposed) provision should be made for motorcycles and powered two wheelers equal to 3% of the number of car parking spaces required. . This is also supported by existing information on vehicles ownership and use in South Gloucestershire gathered through the 2011 census, however it is recognised that this was gathered nine years ago and a new census is due in 2021. Proposals will be considered more favourably where they achieve 2 or more of the following criteria: a. It is therefore possible to achieve a net zero carbon standard where carbon emissions from the operation of a new development, in terms of heat and power, are effectively reduced to zero. We recognise that council services are increasingly funded by council tax and business rates, which is why value for money plays such an important role in our decision-making. Current Parking Standards in South Gloucestershire can be found in the Policies, Sites and Places Plan PSP16 Parking Standards with elements in the Core Strategy policy CS8 and further detail in the Residential Parking Supplementary Planning Document. We want all children to be able to access high quality education wherever they live, whatever their economic circumstances and their ethnic origin, so that all have opportunity to achieve their full potential. The need to protect habitats and species associated with the international designations on the estuary, including the seasonal presence of migratory species, may also constrain the timing, phasing and nature of decommissioning related activities and works. About the council. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? ecological crisis and inequalities within South Gloucestershire. The principles of radioactive waste management should also form an integral part of NNB DCO proposals. At the same time, we must invest in and exploit opportunities to shift the balance towards prevention and help people to help themselves. We are enhancing our Keep it Local approach and the way we work with communities so you have a greater say in the issues which are important to you and take more responsibility for what goes on in your area. Given the Councils role as a Local Planning Authority (LPA), pre-application enquiries, demolition notifications and planning applications relating to the decommissioning process are expected to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) during and beyond the Local Plan period. A3** Restaurants and Cafes and A4**public houses, 1 space per 5sqm dining area or public drinking area, Shopping, leisure, recreation and other uses requiring public access and employment, In addition to and equal to 5% of the level of parking derived from Schedule B, 1) Car parking spaces should be clearly identified for blue badge holders only and should be located so as to allow easy access to the building they serve, Shops, services less than 3,000m2 gross floor area (GFA) (A1, A2), Garden centres, including those attached to other retail premises, Motor vehicle services (garage, workshops, car sales, car hire), Student accommodation (Sui Generis/C3/C1), 1 (provided garage design accommodation both car and cycle storage). The 10 characteristics from the NDG have been used to assist in the assessment of proposed design quality. Priority 4 Realising the full potential of our people and delivering value for money. Local plan policies provide direction and clarity on where development is expected to take place. Evidence will be expected to demonstrate how alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Expect evidence to be provided to demonstrate that brownfield land and/or redundant facilities have been used where possible; and, How alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Seek to ensure that consideration is given to the full range of the proposed projects environmental, transport and socio economic impacts: positive and negative, tangible and intangible, and the level and duration of those impacts over time; and, Demonstration as to how these assessments have informed the development and delivery of the hierarchy of impact avoidance, mitigation and compensation proposals; and. This Plan has considered the context of the significant challenges that were evident long before Covid-19; such as the scale of the inequality gap across our communities, the distinct attainment challenge for our children and young people, and the co-ordinated, multi-dimensional approach we need to put into action to deliver on our climate emergency commitments. To answer these questions visit our online consultation page at to complete or download our questionnaire. The aim of this design policy is to shape and direct development proposals to create resilient and exceptional places, spaces, and buildings in South Gloucestershire. High quality and fast digital infrastructure will be expected in new development, the expectation and criteria of which will be contained in a proposed new policy Digital Connectivity & Broadband, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. 30. Renewable and/or low carbon energy supplies include, but not exclusively, those from biomass and energy crops, combined heat and power, waste heat from industrial processes, energy from waste, ground, water and air source heating and cooling, hydro, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic generation and wind power. secure local economic benefits. Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018, Planning Portal definition of Proximity Principle. Impact assessment should also be an iterative process, conducted alongside the development of project proposals so that impact assessment informs both project planning and design. In December 2019, the average price paid for a residential property in South Gloucestershire was 275,000, which is considerably higher than the regional (South West) and national (England) averages (253,000 and 243,950 respectively). Policies Sites and Places Plan policy PSP16: Parking Standards, Use Classes Order (September 2020) update. We want to work together to raise ambition, open new learning pathways and ultimately drive up attainment and opportunity for all of these children. 19. You can read more in the Action Plans 17 20 document. In addition, changes being proposed by the Planning White Paper may alter how these policies are progressed, as national guidance and legislation is amended. Status : Local Plan document Our response to the current challenges presented by Covid-19, with so many children and young people having been away from learning in a school environment for an extended period, will be to empower them with the knowledge and skills required to take advantage of the range of choices and opportunities available. We will need to plan from what we currently know, but also build in sufficient flexibility to enable our approach to adjust as new arrangements start to replace the current approach. They said: "The M5 in South Gloucestershire is closed northbound between J18A (M49) & J17 (Cribbs Causeway) and southbound between J17 & J18 due to a collision whereby a tipper truck has collided . Specific on-site requirements for Major Non- Residential Development. But please see the Building a Strategy, Creating Sustainable Villages sections for potential approaches which may involve rural communities, Draft policy not yet available. e) In appropriate areas and sites, Urban Lifestyles principles will be applied, to make the best use of land by optimising densities and providing a mix of uses, leading to the creation of compact, efficient, and healthy urban areas. The 10 characteristics (except built form and movement) have been grouped into related pairs: 1) Context local and wider context, heritage, local history and culture, 2) Identity creating and responding to local character and identity, 3) Built form compact development, appropriate building types and forms, destinations, 4) Movement integrated networks for all travel modes, hierarchy of streets, parking and utilities, 5) Nature green open spaces, landscape variety, play, water management, biodiversity, 6) Public spaces well-located and attractive spaces, safety, social interaction, 7) Uses uses mix, range of home tenures, types and sizes, socially inclusive, 8) Homes & buildings healthy, comfortable and safe, external amenity, detailing, waste provision, 9) Resources energy hierarchy, materials and techniques, maximise resilience, 10) Lifespan management and maintenance, adaptability, evolving technologies, sense of ownership. The expectation, based on evidence, is that this policy option will be viable and achievable in the near future for similar costs to those tested for Option 1. determination of discharge of requirements and/or planning conditions, and the Councils role as enforcement authority. Proposals that address the greenhouse gas emissions arising from the development itself and also contribute to mitigating wider greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. role as consultee on the DCO and the preparation of a Local Impact Report;iii. The majority of policies cannot be effectively drafted until further consultation, evidence and studies have been carried out. Surveillance and overlooking into rear parking courts can be restricted by property boundaries meaning residents do not have a direct view of their vehicles. We are proud of our heritage and want to do more to celebrate the areas rich history, our listed buildings and beautiful landscapes whilst maximising the potential of local destinations such as The Mall, Aerospace Bristol, and the Wave to realise our ambitions as a visitor destination. THE SOUTH GLOS COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN See RESPONSES TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS Jan 2022 - All Planning Applications will continue to be listed here. It is important that as much is done on-site as possible to minimise energy demand, and maximise renewable energy use and generation. It will open in a separate window. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, 7. This Council Plan maintains our focus on being an efficient and innovative organisation, working closely with our communities and partners to shape and improve the outcomes and prospects for South Gloucestershire, our residents and businesses. Emissions are produced at all phases of the development process, including embodied carbon in the materials used, the construction process, and the operational phase. The Council acknowledges the potential for NNB to deliver low carbon energy and high quality education, training, supply chain and employment opportunities and will work with a project promoter to maximise benefits and legacy for local communities and businesses. Car Parking Standards for both residential and non-residential developments within certain areas are looking to move towards a flexible approach relating to the accessibility of the development location, with the most accessible locations requiring the lowest car parking provision. 34. At this stage, two policy options are presented under criterion 1. Any good-quality existing surface materials, boundary treatments and street furniture have, wherever possible, been retained in situ. The Keep it Local principle will see us commissioning more services and support from local voluntary and community groups who are best placed to support a new community conversation. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. The objective will be to identify measures, projects and services to mitigate impact while enhancing the long-term well-being and sustainability of the communities and environments affected. There are approximately 6,000 children living in poverty in South Gloucestershire, a statistic which goes to the heart of our priority to invest in education and skills, tackle inequality and create the best start in life for our children and young people. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches, Local Plan 2020 Opportunity for new planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 2 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Proposed Strategic Policies, Working Policy Title: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Working Policy Title: Energy Management in New Development, Working Policy Title: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy System, Working Policy Title: Creating well-designed places, Working Policy Title: Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, Working Policy Title: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and Related Development, Working Policy Title: Oldbury A Station- Decommissioning. The SPD may be adopted in advance of formal pre-application consultation by the project promoter, to: help inform the scheme development; provide a basis for the Councils assessment of the project proposals and associated delivery plans; and provide the Planning Inspectorate and Secretary of State with guidance which may be material to decision making. It sets stringent standards on energy consumption for heating and overall energy demand, and also sets design requirements to control the quality of the internal environment. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. Other policies which may also be relevant, including proposed policies on radioactive waste, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and associated or related development and proposed policy on Oldbury Nuclear New Build. Any advance or preparatory works are demonstrably necessary for the timely delivery of NNB at Oldbury, incorporate adequate and timely mitigation, and are accompanied by a strategy and mechanisms to secure appropriate restoration of the landscape should NNB at Oldbury not proceed. Clean Version for Interimpublication - South Gloucestershire We want to deal positively with future expansion, by planning in a sustainable and integrated way to deliver high quality life-time and affordable homes, a dynamic local economy which supports forward-looking employment opportunities, key local community facilities and a convenient and safe transport network, which meets the needs and aspirations of both existing and new communities. 35. The policies within the Core Strategy were prepared to support the growth strategy at that time, with updates and more detailed policies set out in the PSP Plan (adopted in 2017). The Local Plan will guide how and where this will happen. The emerging policy on radioactive waste is also of particular relevance to the development of a masterplan for decommissioning. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? These targets are necessary to help slow down the warming of the Earth and reduce the severity of the impacts of climate change. Some areas have relatively poor access to higher level job opportunities, and low-level attainment and skills. As a result of the scale, complexity and duration of NNB development, a wide range of social, economic, transport and environmental effects are anticipated over a significant number of years, as set out in the following table: Themes, issues, constraints and opportunities relevant to the development of NNB proposals at Oldbury on Severn and its associated infrastructure and development. Further information on the SGC Accessibility Assessment calculation will be brought forward through a revised Parking Standards SPD. You can read more in the Action Plans 12 16 document. These will be addressed by other policies in the plan. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. But please see the Building a Strategy, Creating Sustainable Villages sections for potential approaches which may involve Severnside. Renewable heat refers to the generation of heat from renewable sources including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, former mine workings and biomass. The new Local Plan for Milton Keynes, Plan:MK was adopted by Milton Keynes Council at its meeting on the 20 March 2019, details of which can be found at Council 20 March 2019. 20. In considering proposals relating to radioactive waste the Council will have regard to other relevant guidance and policy including for example on the waste hierarchy, the proximity principle (see: Planning Portal definition of Proximity Principle), a masterplan for decommissioning the Oldbury site, as well as assessments of the potential impact in the wider community and environment, including those arising from alternative disposal routes. Our approaches to strategic growth policies will be informed by the emerging sub-regional Spatial Development Strategy and supporting evidence base. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. Local Plan 2.1 diagram South Gloucestershire Plan Area 16 4.1 diagram Cotswolds Area of Outstanding 43 Natural Beauty 4.2 diagram Coastal Zone 46 4.3 diagram Forest of Avon 48 4.4 diagram Severn Levels 62 4.5 diagram Approximate Areas of Major Aquifers 75 4.6 diagram Areas of Flood Risk - Rivers 82 5.1 diagram Green Belt in South Gloucestershire 96 It remains common for developers, in undertaking a context appraisal, to attempt to justify further indistinct development by referring to usually 20th century post-war development of indistinct quality nearby and/or claiming that the locality lacks distinction by way of the variety of ages and styles of development that exist in the area. Where trees are provided within areas of public realm, suitable below ground provision must be made to ensure their longevity; b) Net gains for biodiversity, tree cover and landscape diversity have been achieved.

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